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January 2016 Newsletter

"Let Your work appear to Your servants and Your majesty to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; And confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands."

Psalm 90:16–17 (NASB)

Instead of wasting our precious, fleeting days in pursuing fancies, which leave the possessors for ever poor, let us seek the forgiveness of sins, and an inheritance in heaven.” Matthew Henry

As my studies increase in intensity, I praise the Lord for His constant reminders of the immense privilege it is to be here, as well as the loftier honor of being His child and thus called to be used by Him for His great plan of redemption as we are being equipped to contribute to the opening of a French-speaking Bible teaching seminary in Madagascar.

As a family we enjoyed a good final week of holidays which included on January 1st, the opportunity to view the Rose Parade in the company of dear friends. It was quite impressive and I couldn't help but think about the painstaking efforts placed by each one involved to make sure that they were ready for that day and that they will give the best impression of the school, company or entity they represent. How sad it is that most Christians do not apply the same effort to their spiritual walk! If an event like the Rose Parade can make people use time, energy, resources and talent to please those who attended, how much more should one apply proper use of time, energy, resources and talent to please God before whom all will stand one day! The procession reminded me that people from every nation will march before the Lord of glory in judgment. And for everyone without Christ (include you reading this, if you have not submitted your life to Jesus), all their deeds and every hidden thought will be exposed for everyone to see. Their misuse of their God-given strength and skills will be condemned, and they will be damned eternally.

Else, the Lord continues to bless us more than we deserve; it’s all His grace. We had the opportunity to take the kids to see the snow for the first time! It was a memorable day, enjoying the stunning beauty of God’s creation and to spend the day together as a family and cool off, right before I plunged into the “heat” of the semester.

Then, there were the unique opportunities I enjoyed this month. I preached a full sermon in our fellowship group at Grace Community Church (It is available at the following link: I also served communion, as a deacon, for the first time and didn’t spill any cup! J I, also, went to Atlanta to represent the Master’s Seminary at the G3 conference. These facts speak of the Lord’s grace towards us in allowing us to be fully settled and involved within the church and seminary.

Last, and not least, we enjoyed the visit of Tim Cantrell and his family from South Africa. What a pleasure to interact with him at many occasions and see him report the fruits of his almost 18 years of ministry in South Africa. I am one of the fruits of his toils as he mentored me, kindled the desire within me for God’s Word, and introduced me to TMS. What a joy it was to see his zeal for God, his love for the church, his humility and his steadfastness. He was given the opportunity to speak at our first chapel of the year, calling for more faithful preachers and teachers of God’s Word in Southern Africa and other parts of the world (his sermon can be viewed here:

Please pray that I would be faithful to continue study hard, relying on God’s gracious empowerment, so that I would be equipped to serve alongside such men. Pray that I will avoid being solely duty-driven and forget that it is a privilege to serve Him and see His sovereign plan unfold. Finally, pray that the Lord will grant me a joyful worshipful heart and a diligent work ethic during this heavy year of study. May He "establish the work of our hands"!


After the winter break everything goes back to “normal” again. Faly and the kids resume school and our daily routine kicks back into place. We praise and thank the Lord for a refreshing family time spent together during holiday. We had also the privilege of seeing again our dearest friends from South Africa, the Cantrell’s, and we have been blessed by their visit! What a wonderful winter break the Lord granted to us! Once more we could do nothing but being so grateful to Him who cares and provides in every way!

This month also we had a few difficult times related to health issues. Two weeks ago, we noticed that Emmanuelle has a gum boil inside her mouth and we went to the dentist for a consultation. After the dentist checkup, it was found that her tooth must be extracted as the nerve within her tooth was dead (due to her falling and bumping her tooth) resulting in the gum boil. Faly saw his stomach pains coming back following his trip to Atlanta and it is so hard as he has the load of his studies at the same time.

For me, it's my back. I have been developing back pains for a while now and they seem to worsen. It makes it so difficult for me to do the things I am supposed to do around the house, as well as my studies. In the midst of these health concerns, I am being taught one more time to completely rely on God, to have a total dependence on Him. As human being we are so frail physically. It must lead us to look to God and entirely rely on Him daily, every hour and every second. We take our strength from God to do the smallest mundane, things such as doing the dishes, as well as the greater tasks such as finishing writing papers. Physical infirmity is so humbling! I really can't do nothing apart from Him.

God is the One who renews my strength every morning and by His grace, our house is still not plunged into chaos and things get done somehow. My circumstances also cause me to be even more appreciative and grateful to God for the family He gave me. Since they knew I was not well, the kids have made everything they can so it would be easier for me to take care of them, by being obedient and aware of my inability. They are also willing to help with the house chores. Daniel even cooked for us a couple of times! Faly is so attentive as well despite of all his works and studies. I know God let trials occur in my life every so often so that I may not lose focus on Him but always realize that I am incapable of doing nothing apart from Him.


Our prayer requests:

- Praise God for His protection and blessing over Faly’s travel

to Atlanta to represent TMS at the G3 Conference

- Praise God for the opportunity given to the kids to see the snow!

- Praise God for the very generous gift received from a friend

- Praise God that Daniel was able to go to a Winter Camp

- Praise God for the Cantrell’s visit

- Pray for healing for Lily’s back

- Pray for strength towards studies for both Faly and Lily

- Pray for us as we try to think strategically of our re-entry steps

to Madagascar next year

- Continue to pray for Lily’s cousin, Tamby, for God’s grace in

his sickness.


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